< Bücher
Unterschiedliche Biographien über non-binäre Menschen (da gibt es Biographien von binären trans Personen)

Non-Binary Lives – An Anthology of Intersecting Identities
Von: Jos Twist, Ben Vincent, Meg-John Barker, Kat Gupta (Hrsg.)
(2020, Englisch, 256 Seiten)
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Pushing the narrative around non-binary identities further than ever before, this powerful collection of essays represents the breadth of non-binary lives, across the boundaries of race, class, age, sexuality, faith and more. Leading non-binary people share stories of their intersecting lives; how it feels to be non-binary and neurodiverse, the challenges of being a non-binary pregnant person, what it means to be non-binary within the Quaker community, the joy of reaching gender euphoria.
Sissy: A Coming-of-Gender Story
Von: Jacob Tobia
(2019, Englisch, 336 Seiten)
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A heart-wrenching, eye-opening, and giggle-inducing memoir about what it’s like to grow up not sure if you’re a boy, a girl, something in between, or all of the above.
Over the Top – A Raw Journey to Self-Love
Von: Jonathan Van Ness
(2019, Englisch, 288 Seiten)
Buch bei Queerbooks
Before he stole our hearts as the grooming and self-care expert on Netflix’s hit show Queer Eye, Jonathan was growing up in a small Midwestern town that didn’t understand why he was so…over the top. From choreographed carpet figure skating routines to the unavoidable fact that he was Just. So. Gay., Jonathan was an easy target and endured years of judgement, ridicule and trauma—yet none of it crushed his uniquely effervescent spirit. Over the Top uncovers the pain and passion it took to end up becoming the model of self-love and acceptance that Jonathan is today. In this revelatory, raw, and rambunctious memoir, Jonathan shares never-before-told secrets and reveals sides of himself that the public has never seen. JVN fans may think they know the man behind the stiletto heels, the crop tops, and the iconic sayings, but there’s much more to him than meets the Queer Eye.
Nonbinary: Memoirs of Gender and Identity
Von: Micah Rajunov & A. Scott Duane (herausgegeben)
(2019, Englisch, 250 Seiten)
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Thirty authors highlight how our experiences are shaped by a deeply entrenched gender binary. The powerful first-person narratives of this collection show us a world where gender exists along a spectrum, a web, a multidimensional space. Nuanced storytellers break away from mainstream portrayals of gender diversity, cutting across lines of age, race, ethnicity, ability, class, religion, family, and relationships.
Gender Queer: A Memoir
Von: Maia Kobabe
(2019, Englisch, 240 Seiten, autobiographical comic)
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Maia’s intensely cathartic autobiography charts eir journey of self-identity, which includes the mortification and confusion of adolescent crushes, grappling with how to come out to family and society, bonding with friends over erotic gay fanfiction, and facing the trauma and fundamental violation of pap smears. Started as a way to explain to eir family what it means to be nonbinary and asexual, Gender Queer is more than a personal story: it is a useful and touching guide on gender identity—what it means and how to think about it—for advocates, friends, and humans everywhere.
Believe Me – Mein Leben zwischen Liebe, Tod und Jazzhühnern
Von: Eddie Izzard
(2017, Deutsch/Englisch)
Bei Queerbooks: eBook DE | eBook EN | Buch EN
Er liebt High Heels und lackierte Fingernägel. Er lief 27 Marathons an 27 Tagen, um an die Inhaftierung Mandelas zu erinnern. Er gilt als witzigster Mann Großbritanniens und trifft auch weltweit den Lachnerv – mit Gags über Hitler, Hunde, Darth Vader in der Todesstern-Kantine und Fische, die mit Fischen reden. Eddie Izzard, Humorgenie und Cross-Dresser, erzählt sein bewegtes Leben. In seiner Autobiographie „Believe Me“ schildert der Entertainer lakonische, ergreifende und schreiend komische Episoden aus seinem Leben: von einer verlustreichen Kindheit, vom Entdecken einer komplizierten Sexualität, von ersten Comedy-Versuchen auf den Straßen Londons – und von seinem Plan, die Briten eines Tages zurück in die EU zu führen.
Born Both: An Intersex Life
Von: Hida Viloria
(2017, Englisch, 352 Seiten)
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Hida Viloria was raised as a girl but discovered early on that he/r body was different. Unlike most people who are born intersex in the first world–meaning they have genitals, reproductive organs, hormones, and/or chromosomal patterns that do not fit standard definitions of male or female–Hida had the freedom to explore the person s/he was born to be because he/r parents did not agree to have he/r sex characteristics surgically altered at birth. … By answering the question “Are you a boy or a girl?” with “I’m both,” Hida’s helped blaze a trail for people–particularly intersex and genderqueer/non-binary people–to celebrate the middle space where male and female are not separate and opposite but entwined.
Website von Hida
Ein schädlicher Einfluss
Von: Kate Bornstein
(2013, Deutsch, 352 Seiten)
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Kate Bronstein hat eine medizinische Transition gemacht. Aber einige Monate nach der angleichenden Operation hat sie für sich gemerkt, dass sie auch nicht «weiss, was es ist eine Frau zu sein». Da wird ihr klar, dass ihr Geschlecht non-binär ist, wenn sie auch weiterhin das Bedürfnis hat sich als «Frau» zu präsentieren und den Namen Kate zu behalten.
Website von Kate
Weitere Quellen – Sachbücher non-binäres Geschlecht
- Queerbooks: Non-binary
Erste Veröffentlichung: 2.12.2021 | Letztes Update: 12.5.2022