< Filme

Internationale Filme (Kurzfilme sind hier) rund um non-binäres Geschlecht:
Mutt [2023, USA]
Feña, a young trans guy bustling through life in New York City, is afflicted with an incessantly challenging day that resurrects ghosts from his past. Laundromats, subway turnstiles, and airport transfers are the hectic background to this emotional drama that overlaps past, present, and future. Settling the disharmony of transitional upheaval in relationships familial, romantic, and platonic is Feña’s task at hand, and his resulting juggling act is equal parts skillful, fumbling, and honest. The poignant moments he finds between himself and others – as the distance between them closes – are warm, true, and touching.
Von: Vuk Lungulov-Klotz (USA, 2023, 87 Min., Eng/Span)
UÝRA – The Rising Forest [2022, Brasil/USA]
Uýra, a trans-indigenous artist travels through the Amazon forest on a journey of self-discovery using performance art and ancestral messages to teach indigenous youth and confront structural racism and transphobia in Brazil. Uýra is the alter-ego of Emerson, a non-binary performance artist and ecologist of indigenous origin living in Manaus, Brazil. Marginalized as an Indigenous, queer, and trans person, Uýra travels through the Amazon on a journey of self-discovery using performance art and exquisite transformations — often created from materials found in the nearby forest — to spread their message of environmental protection and promote LGTBQ+ rights. In Brazil, a country that kills the highest number of trans, indigenous, and environmentalist youth worldwide, Uýra leads a rising movement through arts and education while fostering unity and providing inspiration for the LGBTQIA+ and environmental movements. In the Amazon, Uýra visits Indigenous villages to share ancestral knowledge with the youth and bring awareness to the importance of identity and place, at a time when both are under attack from Brazil’s repressive political regime. Through dance, poetry, and visually stunning costumes and makeup, Uýra boldly confronts historical racism, transphobia, and environmental destruction. Their search for their own identity and their struggle to bring awareness to the interconnected relationship between humans and the environment — not to mention the direct link from structural racism to trans- and homophobia — lie at the heart of this poetic and eye-popping film.
Von: Juliana Curi (Brasil/USA, 63 Min.)
Sendung Arte Indígena Contemporânea – Ep. 3: Uýra Sodoma [29:41 Min.]
They/Them [2021, USA]
Begleite Lor Sabourin in den Sandsteinschluchten des nördlichen Arizonas dabei, wie they die fünf schwierigsten Kletterpassagen in their Kletterkarriere bewältigt und eine Kletter-Community aufbaut, in der alle ihr authentisches Selbst ausleben können.
Von: Blake McCord & Justin Clifton (USA, 1 Std. 49 Min., E)
Webpage zum Film bei Patagonia
Under My Skin [2020, UK]
Denny, a free spirit and artist falls for Ryan, a strait-laced lawyer. When Denny questions gender their love is tested.
Von: David O’Donnell (UK, 2020, 1 Std 37 min, E)
I Am They: A non-binary transgender LOVE story [2019, UK]
I Am They is a feature-length documentary that follows the story of Fox and Owl, as they explore the many issues facing non-binary trans people in the UK today. Through a protest-wedding Fox and Owl set out to raise awareness of the wider issue of lack of legal gender recognition in the UK, and speak with many other non-binary people about the challenges they face.
Von Fox Fisher & Ugla (Owl) Stefanía Kristjönudóttir Jónsdóttir (UK, 2019, 1 h, E)
Ponyboi [2019, USA]
Ponyboi is an intersex runaway. He works at a laundromat and hustles as sex-worker. But after a mysterious encounter with a man from his dreams, he learns that perhaps he is worthy of leaving his seedy life in New Jersey behind.
Von und mit River Gallo (USA, 2019, 18:42 Min, E)
We Exist: Beyond the Binary [2018, USA]
‘We Exist: Beyond the Binary’ is one of the first films to document this growing community living life “beyond the binary” construct of gender. ‘We Exist’ offers a first-hand account of what it is like to exist other than male or female while living within the confines of a world that is slow to catch up.
Von Andrew Seger (USA, 55 Min, E)
Website zum Film | Film leihen oder kaufen bei Vimeo
Mimicry Girlfag Movie [2018, D]
MIMICRY erzählt die Geschichte von Mimi, die eine Schwule Frau ist, und ihrer Selbstfindungsreise in ein queeres Milieu. Sie wird im Film alle möglichen Schubladen begehen und wieder verlassen, um am Ende sich selbst zu finden.
Von Lars von Schuckmann (D, 26 Min, D)
Facebook Page | Artikel über den Film (inkl. Infos zum Kaufen des Films)
They [2017, USA/QA]
Fourteen-year-old J goes by the pronoun ‚They‘ and lives with their parents in the suburbs of Chicago. J is exploring their gender identity while taking hormone blockers to postpone puberty. After two years of medication and therapy, J has to make a decision whether or not to transition. Over this crucial weekend while their parents are away, J’s sister Lauren and her maybe/maybe-not Iranian partner Araz arrive to take care of ‚They.‘
Von: Anahita Ghazvinizadeh (USA/QA, 80 Min, E)
We are queer [2016, F]
« We are queer » tourné à San Francisco en 2013 interroge le parcours d’artistes queer, adjectif péjoratif dans les États-Unis d’avant 1990, réapproprié et resignifié dans une lutte émancipatrice. Aujourd’hui, Queer apparaît autant comme concept philosophique et politique que comme auto-désignation. A travers le portrait d’individus s’opposant à la vision dominante des rôles de genre, remettant en question la catégorisation binaire des sexes, militant par une voix qui leur est propre, ce documentaire explore le lien entre création artistique et revendication identitaire.
Von: Thomas Lavergne, Julie Paradis, Fanny Reuillard (F, 2016, 29:57 Min, E)
FtWTF – female to what the fuck [2015, A]
Der dokumentarische Film FtWTF setzt sich in präziser Weise mit dem Thema der Geschlechtertransgression auseinander, wobei die Überschreitung der Geschlechtergrenze jeweils die selbe Richtung nimmt: aus einem bestimmten Startpunkt (weiblich/Frau) zu einem vorläufig offenen Zielpunkt („was auch immer – what the fuck“). Die Filmemacherinnen porträtieren sechs Personen, die aus unterschiedlichen Hinter- gründen heraus die Identität „transgender“ annehmen, und diese in unterschiedlicher und sich verändernder Weise leben.
Von Katharina Lampert & Cordula Thym (A, 2015, D, 92 Min)
KUMU HINA is a powerful film about the struggle to maintain Pacific Islander culture and values within the Westernized society of modern day Hawaiʻi. It is told through the lens of an extraordinary Native Hawaiian who is both a proud and confident māhū, or transgender woman, and an honored and respected kumu, or teacher, cultural practitioner, and community leader.
Von Dean Hamer (USA, 2015, E, 77 Min)
Website zum Film | Film leihen oder kaufen bei Vimeo
Identity: In & Beyond The Binary [2015, USA]
This 60 min documentary features trans, genderqueer, butch and queer people interviewed on their varied experiences with gender identity. Addressing topics from hormones to employment to growing up, „Identity“ is a series of enlightening and heartfelt interviews.
Von Dave Naz (USA, 2015, E, 1 Std)
Kate Bornstein is a Queer & Pleasant Danger [2014, USA]
Kate Bornstein is a Queer & Pleasant Danger is the first feature documentary about the visionary trans author and performer Kate Bornstein. Director Sam Feder captures the many facets of this queer gender outlaw. Whether Kate is charming an enraptured audience on her latest book tour, tweeting to her fans, or deconstructing postmodern theory, her bold thinking, wicked wit, and astonishing candor get to the heart of transformations in gender and sexuality. The film sheds new light on issues of critical importance to trans and queer communities, such as gender theory as survival, depression and alternatives to suicide, a broad gender spectrum vs. a rigid gender binary, notions of queer family and legacy, and illness/treatment/recovery.
Von Sam Feder (USA, 2014, 1 Std 12 Min, E)
Gendernauts [1999, USA/D]
GENDERNAUTS – eine Reise durch das Land der Neuen Geschlechter – erforscht das Phänomen von Transgender. Ort: San Francisco. Zeit: am Ende des zweiten Jahrtausends. Der Film zeigt Gender-Mixer und sexuelle Cyborgs, die ihre Körper mit Hilfe neuer Technologien und Biochemie verändern und damit die Identität von männlich und weiblich in Frage stellen. Auf die Frage: Sind Sie ein Mann oder eine Frau? antworten die Gendernauten mit Ja.
Von Monika Treut (USA/D, 1999, 1 Std 27 Min)
Seite zum Film bei queermdb.de
Erste Veröffentlichung: 13.9.2021 | Letztes Update: 22.5.2022